Young People raise funds for local homeless people

Fundraising news  

August 19, 2019 | twentytwo

We were delighted to attend an event in Rochdale, along with other local charities, to thank a group of young National Citizen Service activists who presented the funds they had raised for the local community initiative, Real Change, and to celebrate youth engagement in local issues. Real Change is an initiative linked with Manchester’s ‘the big change’. Real Change is a fund for Rochdale that pays for items that local people need to end and prevent homelessness. It is run by a series of local charities and community groups (The Bond Board, The Sanctuary Trust, Angie’s Angels, Action Together) and supported by MP Tony Lloyd, Rochdale Council manager of homelessness Ian Jolly, Councillor Linda Robinson and has been visited by the Mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham. A big thank you to the young people who willingly gave up their time to learn more about homelessness in their community and to raise much needed funds to help people get back on their feet.


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