Find out more about support
Moving into a private rented tenancy can be really stressful and its possible that problems could happen even after you’ve settled in. You might be finding it difficult to manage your money, deal with your landlord or feel that you’re just not coping. Support from The Bond Board can help you to get back on your feet. Scroll down for more information and get things moving in the right direction.
The Bond Board helped me from the very first meeting I had with them. Things are looking up. I’ve actually got a home for me and my daughter, that I can call my own, with all my own furniture. I feel so settled, so much more confident.
The Bond Board supports homeless people and private rented tenants in Rochdale and Bolton. We can offer you;
- 1:1 support appointments with a Bond Board worker to discuss what you want to sort out and help you to do this.
- Support can be a one-off appointment or over several weeks if you have a lot to sort out.
- Drop-in support at our free ‘Quid’s In’ coffee mornings in Rochdale where you can get a brew, advice and a chat with us and other tenants. See HERE for more information.
- Advice over the telephone and email.
Find answers to some frequently asked questions about support below and contact us HERE if you want to talk about getting support.

Frequently asked questions about getting support from The Bond Board.
What can you help with?
We can help with many issues including;
- Homelessness and getting housed Rent arrears
- Benefits problems
- Problems with your home, such as disrepair or other problems with your landlord
- Help to get essential household items, such as a cooker, fridge or beds
- Help if you have run out of food
- Help to use a computer and get online
- Help if you are feeling lonely or isolated or are just not coping.
- Help to contact other services, such as specialist debt advice, immigration advice, substance misuse and other health services.
What can’t you help with?
You may have a problem that needs more specialist advice than The Bond Board can provide. This could be a complex immigration or debt problem, or you might need specialist support about substance abuse or other health problems. Where we cannot help with a particular problem, we can almost always find another organisation that can.
Do I have to wait before I can get support?
You may have to wait for ongoing support. If this happens, we will tell you how long you might need to wait. If you have urgent problems that can’t wait, we will advise you on the best thing to do.
For expert advice, a brew and a chat, you can drop in to our free ‘Quid’s In’ Coffee mornings in Rochdale. See HERE for further information.
Can you visit me at home?
We may be able to visit you at home if you have complex problems, mobility issues or mental health problems which make attending appointments or leaving the house difficult. When you first contact us, your support worker will discuss this with you and agree a plan about where your support will take place.
What do I have to contribute to my support?
Nothing. Support from us is completely free. We do ask that you let us know if you can’t attend an appointment and that you keep in touch with us while receiving support.
Your Support Worker will work with you to plan how to improve your situation. The plan will include things that you have agreed to do and things your Support Worker has agreed to do. Your Support Worker will help you take the steps you need to resolve problems yourself, encouraging you to keep your independence and to learn new ways of solving problems in the future.
Do I have to accept support?
No. It is completely up to you. If you decide you don’t want support or want to end support that has already started, let us know.
What if I need support again in the future?
You can still get support again in the future if you have already had support from The Bond Board. Contact us to discuss your situation and we will do our best to help you again.
Can I see the information you have about me?
You have the right to view and request a copy of all the data we hold about you. You can do this by contacting The Bond Board. We will usually provide this information to you free of charge and always within one month of you requesting it.
How long do you keep my personal information?
The Bond Board will permanently delete all data relating to your application or take up of 1-1 support services 2 years after the data was received or the 1-1 support service has ended whichever is later.
If you also have a Bond Guarantee with The Bond Board, we will keep this data for longer. Further information about how long we keep your personal data can be found in our Privacy Notice for Service Users HERE
How The Bond Board supported Anne
Come along to our free ‘Quid’s In’ coffee mornings every fortnight in Rochdale town centre. Get help with looking for a home or any problems with your private rented tenancy and have a free brew (or two!) with us.
Our coffee mornings are free, friendly and informal. Even if you don’t need advice, you can still come along if you just fancy a chat.

Don’t struggle on your own.
If you’re renting privately in Rochdale or Bolton and need support, contact us.