Worried about being homeless?

If you suddenly become homeless or you’re worried about becoming homeless it can be extremely upsetting and stressful. You may not know who can help you and it can make you feel vulnerable, scared and alone.

The Bond Board is here to help find a home for everyone we can. We’ve been around since 1993 so we have probably supported someone in a very similar situation to yours. There are different ways we can help and we’re a friendly and expert team.

We believe everyone deserves a place to call home.

Applying for a Bond Guarantee


Unfortunately, our offices are currently closed and we are only able to offer a limited Bond Guarantee service during Covid 19.


  • You can only apply for a Bond Guarantee if you have been living in one of the Bolton homeless hostels for 6 weeks or more or
  • If you had already been accepted for a Bond Guarantee before Covid 19 and you  have found a potential property to move into, please Contact us


  • You will need to contact Rochdale Boroughwide Housing’s Homeless department in the first instance. They will assess your circumstances and may refer you to The Bond Board for a Bond Guarantee if they think that is the best housing option for you. Find their contact details HERE




Tell us your story

Have you been homeless? We want to make sure your voice is heard so if you’d be happy to share your experience with other people, please contact us.


Want to know more