Coronavirus-Frequently Asked Questions from Tenants

Tenant news  

September 1, 2020 | Alison Eastwood

As well as causing major changes to our lives, the Coronavirus has also changed the rules for landlords and tenants. It can be confusing to know where you stand and what to do if you are having problems, such as needing repairs doing, benefit problems or if you’re struggling to pay rent.

We’ve put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions about renting during the Coronavirus outbreak, which you can read HERE

If you’re a tenant in Bolton or Rochdale and need support, don’t struggle on your own, CONTACT US

We’re still here and can help you with most tenant problems, including;

  • Rent arrears
  • Benefit advice
  • Universal Credit problems
  • Money worries
  • Problems and disagreements with your landlord
  • Repair issues
  • Being asked to leave by your landlord
  • Dealing with a change in your circumtances
  • Help to get essentials, e.g. food, furniture.
  • We can also put you in-touch with other services that can help you further.


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