Here when you need us
The Bond Board has been advising landlords and Letting Agents in Greater Manchester on all aspects of renting and managing private rented tenancies for over 25 years. If you’re struggling with a rental problem, there is no need to go it alone with issues such as setting up a tenancy, Universal Credit, rent arrears, repossession or abandonment. Our team of friendly and knowledgeable staff have supported over 100 landlords and letting Agents in the last 12 months. Let the Bond Board take the strain – and it’s free!
The Bond Board are very dependable. If I need to contact them, they are always there. They are helpful, friendly, and most of all, they are very experienced.
- Free Bond Guarantees and additional incentives to save you time and money.
- Support, guidance and practical help for Landlords/Letting agents from our friendly and knowledgeable staff team.
- Free, impartial mediation service between Landlords/Letting Agents and tenants to reduce your hassle and make tenancies a success.
- Free Landlord training on key areas, including dealing with rent arrears and Universal Credit.
- Outreach support for Letting Agents, including staff training, specialist advice and troubleshooting for difficult to manage tenancies.
- Landlord forums, events and newsletters, so you don’t miss out on the latest news and services.

Find out more about our free landlord support services
Landlord Advice and Support
Get support, information and guidance about all aspects of renting and managing a private rented tenancy. There isn’t much we haven’t dealt with over the years, from communication breakdowns to Universal Credit complications and neighbour complaints to tricky possession claims. Our team of knowledgeable and experienced staff is ready to advise both landlords and Letting Agents so get in touch and see what we can do.
Landlord/Tenant Mediation
We know disputes and disagreements with tenants can cause major problems for landlords and can easily escalate if not resolved at an early stage. The Bond Board provides a free, impartial mediation service between landlords and tenants, listening to both sides, gathering information and trying to find a resolution that keeps everyone on board and the tenancy back on track.
We work with over 1000 tenants a year and are particularly successful at engaging tenants with complex issues who need in-depth support. We have a range of tenant support services to help resolve common issues, including benefit problems, rent arrears and money management issues. See HERE for further information about our Tenant Support Services.
Free Training
Housing law is a fast moving world. It can be a struggle to keep up with new rules and regulations but help is available. We offer free training for landlords across Greater Manchester, covering issues that frequently cause headaches. ‘Managing rent arrears and Universal Credit’ is an extremely popular session and provides practical tools to stop rent arrears from spiralling out of control and ways to recoup losses so that the tenancy does not fail.
Sign up for our landlord newsletter HERE to make sure you don’t miss out on training which could help you to manage your tenancies and successfully deal with problems at an early stage.
Letting Agent support - we come to you
Keeping on top of multiple tenancies and property owners happy at the same time can be a real challenge for Letting Agents. Meeting legal requirements, dealing with benefits, rent arrears, possession proceedings and repair issues are just some of the challenges Letting Agents face every day. If you or your staff would benefit from free specialist training in any area of tenancy law or Universal Credit, or need free support to resolve issues in particular tenancies, The Bond Board can help. Contact us for a confidential, no obligation discussion about how we can support your rental business.
Landlord Forums and Events
We invite landlords to attend Bond Board forums and events where you can:
- hear presentations on the latest issues.
- meet staff from key agencies, such as the DWP and the local council.
- provide feedback on any concerns or issues you are facing.
- and liaise with other landlords.
Come along and make sure you don’t miss out on important information and you’re aware of all the support available to you.
We also invite landlords to attend smaller focus groups so we can get a better understanding of landlord issues and make sure that the services we offer meet your needs.